National Pen


¡No hay eventos para 5 días!
No batches pending download in PET
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
No batches pending download in PET
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 1 día!
Inkjet Batches Not Auto-Reassigned
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Duplicate items ik batch
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
No jobs are being downloaded even though a plan is scheduled
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 1 día!
Orders stuck in 'scheduled' status
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Overdue GS Order Stuck
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
No jobs are being downloaded even though a plan is scheduled
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 5 días!
Overdue GS Order Stuck in Scheduled
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Paperless Status API Latency
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 1 día!
Pending items not available for Production
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 3 días!
Automatic Batch Reassignment
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 3 días!
GS Batch Stuck in Package Creation
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
18 GS Orders stuck in 'scheduled' or 'print_ready'
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 2 días!
NP Mexico Inkjet worfklow down, stuck in 'commit in progress'
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 3 días!
Magnet Orders Stuck in 'Package Creation'
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 5 días!
Stuck Orders Due Tomorrow (33 Total)
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 2 días!
Helix machines are stopped
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Batches stuck in 'Package Creation'
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Orders stuck after reprint
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 2 días!
Batches stuck in 'package creation'
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Batches stuck in Package Creation
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 3 días!
Issue with Shift Plan INKJET
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 4 días!
Production Account User Permissions Issue
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Duplicate Batches in the process of silkscreen Bags
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Batch stuck in Package creation inkjet on Machine Brother #51
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 1 día!
NatlPen-MEX batches are pending in scheduled status
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Pens missing fills
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 3 días!
Expired Goldstar Batch Stuck
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 7 días!
Permission group for helix workflow (PET)
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para 6 días!
Download Failed due to Network Error
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Multiple order pending to be grouped into batches
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Overdue Goldstar batch stuck on Brother #53
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
Batches stuck on Brother 50 & 53
Manufacturing Information Systems / National Pen
¡No hay eventos para cerca de 2 meses!
Production incident for Anonymous Auth token service
22 servicios afectados: