
Multiple artists and business units have reported delays in uploading designs, with the process taking longer than usual.


Incident Resolved: CTIM-1146
Customers have confirmed that they can upload artwork files successfully and everything is functioning as expected. The incident is now contained.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



Print Web has a backlog of approximately 35K jobs and the Artwork team is actively working on clearing them. Since these run on a Windows-based platform, scaling may take about 30 minutes to take effect. Printdeal has confirmed that they are no longer experiencing issues with uploads. The team will continue monitoring the situation. Next update in 30 minutes



The slowness was likely caused by users calling the APDFL service with the highest priority. APDFL has been scaled up and all high-priority requests have now cleared. Next update in 30 minutes.


New Incident: CTIM-1146
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Support for review.
Multiple artists and business units have reported delays in uploading designs. During the investigation, Artwork team found that requests to this endpoint are taking significantly longer to complete. This service is also used downstream when users upload PDFs through our Designer/Uploader implementations, preventing them from delivering PDFs. The Artwork Processing team is currently working on adding more instances which should help resolve the issue.