
Upload issue in Review apps


Incident Resolved: CTIM-1113
Prepress has confirmed that everything looks to be functioning normally again, and that this should now be contained.

Teams will wait for queues to clear out before re-routing the traffic back to EU-West-1, and will use this time to look into the root cause.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



Prepress cleared out old tasks from the cluster, and things appear to be returning to normal, the investigation into the root cause continues.



Prepress team is now online and investigating.

To try and contain the issue, APDFL traffic was routed to US-East-1.


Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Prepress

Pages are still going out to the Artwork Prepress squad. The issue appears to be isolated to the EU-West region, but we’ve confirmed that it is affecting both review app uploads and website uploads.



Updating status page Service to Prepress to better reflect impact.


New Incident: CTIM-1113
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Support for review.
Teams work towards finding the culprit, Artwork Technology: Tools and Services came online and advised hitting up prepress. David also came online, and suggested that we page the Artwork Automation Squad as APDFL seems to fit the symptoms (Artwork Technology: Prepress is now being paged). Lastly MIS Composition Services reported that EU Prepress seems extremely slow, further reinforcing the issue. As this issue has been open for over an hour, I’m now raising it to an MPI until we get confirmation on a containment.