
All the DAs who is using file review facing an issue


Incident Resolved: CTIM-737
GSO confirmed they are currently operating without issue. Incident is contained.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Manual Orchestration team confirmed that the DB is up and the issue is resolved. We will monitor for sometime and then contain this incident.


Incident Updated: Manual Orchestration team believe the database is unavailable and are checking in with their peer team. Investigation continues. Next update in 30 minutes.


Incident Updated: The Manual Orchestration team is investigating the cause of the high database. Next update in 30 minutes.


New Incident: CTIM-737
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: CT Incident Management for review.
Every DA using file review is having trouble with it. Artwork team have received several requests from GSO regarding issues that the user of the file review system is having. Manual Orchestration team is looking in this issue.