
Work Entity Service Errors


Incident Resolved: CTIM-724
Users in Vista and Artwork support teams have confirmed that the errors did dissipate after the server change (~16:30 ET) and have reported back to albelli. At this point the incident is contained.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: As a response to the increased errors, Artwork support teams have reverted the related infrastructure to an existing config that had been updated on the 27th around the time that the initial errors had occurred. Exact impact to customers has yet to be determined. Will wait to contain this issue until we can get confirmation that things have improved in production.


Incident Updated: Support teams are reviewing the issue. They’re found that despite the spike, the errors are intermittent and only affect albelli requests. Requests that fail initially seem to get a successful response after retry.


Incident Updated: Quick update: Doc Extension Devs already engaged by Artwork Support team.


New Incident: CTIM-724
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Support for review.
Increased status 500 errors reported when saving customer photobooks & calendars to the Work Entity Service. Initial errors identified from 06/27/2024 but significantly increased as of today.