
Review tool down for designers, unable to work on custom app


Issue had been inadvertently reopened after post-incident updates. Issue containment was on 5/14/24.

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The technical teams have completed their root cause and corrective action analysis. The post mortem can be view

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Incident Updated: Adding incident to Prepress section of Hund status page.


Incident Resolved: CTIM-672
Artwork Tech Support has confirmed with Designers that Review app is back up and working as expected for all designers. Incident is considered Contained. CTIM to follow up with Summary within 24 hours.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.

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Incident Updated: Multiple team members are reporting that the Review app is working as expected. Some designers and Artwork Tech team members are in Google Meet to confirm.

Mis à jour

Incident Updated: Incident has currently been reported by Vista and National Pen. Some designers are reporting improvements over the last few minutes while others are still experiencing NAN errors, slowness, or sudden failures. Manual Orchestration (MOS) Team continues to investigate at highest priority

En voie de résolution

New Incident: CTIM-672
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: CT Incident Management for review.
MOS team is online and investigating an incident with Review Manager, blocking designers from all actions in Review app. Reports are that this started around 3:30am IST. Appropriate teams are online and investigating at highest priority. Next update in 30 minutes