
Several orders are currently stuck in the prepress processing stage

Post mortem

The technical teams have completed their root cause and corrective action analysis. The post mortem can be viewed [here].


It has been an hour since this incident was contained, and we have not seen a recurrence. We are marking this incident as resolved. Within five business days, we will post a link the the post mortem of this incident here.


We believe we have contained this incident and will continue to monitor. Unless there is a recurrence, we will mark this incident resolved in one hour.

Rozpoznany problem

The root cause of this issue was the migration of the prepress legacy client to the m2m client, which was completed on March 19th. We no longer observe this problem. For any remaining stuck orders, re-ordering should resolve the issue.


A few orders and sending a callback itself have failed and it seems to be related to the continuations 404 exceptions. We should add a fallback for 404 in the case of TokenRetrievalException in hangfireconfig as well. Sending a new order should work we tried a new request and it succeeded. We are already working on the fix and will update the thread once this is deployed.


We have identified that several orders are currently stuck in the prepress processing stage. Specifically, we have found that Pixart has 78 orders stuck and printdeal has 23 orders affected. Our technical team is actively investigating the issue. We’ll provide another update on this status page as soon as more information becomes available or within the next 30 minutes, whichever occurs first.