
Exaprint Review agents are not able to see the customer uploaded ZIP and Original File.

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The technical teams have completed their root cause and corrective action analysis. The post mortem can be view [here

It has been an hour since this incident was contained, and we have not seen a recurrence. We are marking this incident as resolved. Within five business days, we will post a link the the post mortem of this incident here.

Sous surveillance

Support of panel is added in mcp coordinator and fix is deployed

Problème identifié

MCP coordinator service does not support the panel in the cimdoc. The PR was finalized last night, and we are currently in the testing phase. We will update you soon

En voie de résolution

The development team found the root cause of this issue. Conclusion: MCP coordinator service do not support the panel in the cimdoc. MOS team will add that capability as soon as possible.

We will update this status page again in 60 minutes or as soon as we have more information.

En voie de résolution

We are not receiving files in the input JSON. We are providing that download button only if the file URL is available in FileInfos from the input JSON. Hence artists are not able to see and download zip files in the review app.

En voie de résolution

Exaprint Review agents are not able to see the customer uploaded ZIP and Original File and The technical team is investigating. We will update this status page again as soon as we have more information or in 30 minutes, whichever is sooner.