Product Configuration

Elevated throughput calling


Incident Resolved: CTIM-1149
Message to Contain incident so this does not appear as an open incident on Status Page. This is a low urgency request for investigation. Update cadence will be daily. Currently the request is to Product Operations to look into what may have caused the spike in 422 errors on February 10.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


New Incident: CTIM-1149
Priority: Low
Escalation sent to: PCD: Product Operations for review.
Vista PBM team need some assistance with the service, catalog- Between 5pm-8pm, 10 Feb (UTC), ‘PPv2 BFF - production’ service had an unusual elevated throughput calling
Our logs indicate errors “Failed to validate compatibility, Error: Request failed with status code 422” & “Failed to get merchandisable quantities, Error: Request failed with status code 422” in calling catalog-transition.products.