Product Configuration

Checkout - Spike in use of Fallback Speeds in shipping options due to EDO Timeout


Incident Resolved: CTIM-1116
The Dispatch squad joined the Slack and mentioned that this was known while it was occurring. they had very unusual behavior with their Redis cache that was preventing traffic from reaching IDP, the primary service that EDO relies on for calculating dates. Identifying this and rotating the Redis instances resolved the issue. Moving the case status to ‘contained.’
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


New Incident: CTIM-1116
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: PCD: Product Operations,PCD: Dispatch Squad for review.
Between 6:27 PM - 7:30 PM on January 27 (UTC), there was an unusual spike (>1.6k% above baseline) in the use of Fallback Speeds in shipping options due to EDO Timeouts. The fallback speeds ensured that shipping options were available for affected users, but this remains a less-than-ideal solution. Requesting the Product Operations and Dispatch squad to prioritize this issue during their business hours.