Artwork Processing

Artwork Tech currently Investigating order processing impact in National Pen due to unexpected high traffic


Incident Resolved: CTIM-1111
Artwork Tech has routed orders from National Pen to the lowest priority queue for all newly created orders to limit the impact of the high number of calls coming from this client to Illustrator in the last ~5 hours. Keeping in mind the SLA for Prepress is 24 hours and the situation is currently in a state of containment, CTIM will consider this a ‘High’ urgency incident to be highest priority during team’s next business hour (beginning in IST tomorrow).
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


New Incident: CTIM-1111
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Artwork Tools and Services for review.
Artwork Technology monitoring has indicated a very high and unexpected traffic increase stemming from National Pen client. In the last 4 hours there have been over 9k calls to the Illustrator service from this client where none were seen in the previous 30 days. This is causing strain on the system and affecting order flow. Team is currently investigating at high priority for root cause. Next CTIM update in 1 hour max.