Order Management

Rush Items have Wrong MSB date


Incident Resolved: CTIM-1110
After further investigation, Dispatch team has discovered that the short turn around for ‘must ship by dates’ (MSB) affecting two Box Up orders is due to a calendar mismatch issue affected by US holiday on January 20th wherein one calendar is recognizing this as a working day and another not. Due to the timing of the MSB recalculation route and the calendar from which it bases it’s scheduling, the date was changed, shortening the time period for these RUSH orders by a full production day to produce. For now there is no significant risk for more orders and this incident can be considered contained. Teams will need to consider how to prioritize finding a long term solution for calendar discrepancies affecting MSB dates.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


Escalation sent to: PCD: Dispatch Squad

E-Com Support is requesting business hours support from Dispatch squad as the endpoint that E-Com is using to determine the returned arrival date for Box Up appears to be coming their team.



E-Commerce Support has joined the investigation outside of their normal operating hours. Next CTIM update when their team responds with next steps.


New Incident: CTIM-1110
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: eCommerce Support for review.
Requesting E-Commerce Support to investigate a discrepancy between promised dates and production dates with at least two Box Up orders. There is no clarity at this time if this could be happening to more orders. The current urgency of this problem is ‘high’ meaning that it is expected to be priority during team’s normal business hours.