Incident Resolved: CTIM-1050
Contain incident
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.
Vista’s Product Operations team has adjusted the mapping for the paper bag products and expect that new orders should now flow correctly. Vista Venlo to confirm before incident is Resolved by CTIM.
After discussing with Composition Services it was determined that the older (generic) paper bags do indeed need 2 pages while the newer paper bag SKUs only require one page. Prepress and MIS Product Services are aware of the problem. We will follow up again after the weekend to discuss further with the plant to determine the appropriate fix.
Escalation sent to: Vista PBM (Website)
Requesting the Vista PBM team to help get the Vista EU Large Format team to look at this issue.
Currently, we are waiting for plant insight on the criticality of this issue as the root cause doesn’t appear to be CT but in Vista. Next update after we hear from plant.
Venlo IT has shared the sample IDs with Prepress, and currently, prepress is working on them. The next update will be provided once we receive an update from prepress.
Prepress Team has joined the slack and is currently investigating the issue.
New Incident: CTIM-1050
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Prepress for review.
Venlo sees a lot of medium-sized paper bag orders that fail to draw, due to the orders having the property ‘PaperBagBackType’ set to ‘HasBack,’ meaning they should have a backside.