Artwork Generation

Card Design Issues


Incident Resolved: CTIM-970
Incident remediation complete. CTIM to Contain incident and prepare Summary to be shared on Monday.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



Teams continue to work towards remediation for all affected orders and appropriate contact and steps to teams has been made. Next CTIM update tomorrow morning IST unless impact changes. Please page CTIM if immediate action is needed by us.


Incident Resolved: CTIM-970
CT and Vista teams confirmed the fix ~30min ago, but are still discussing possible options for existing order/project remediation. CARE has been notified that there might need to be follow up with some customers if there’s no effective method of identifying and correcting the orders that would have been processed with the altered previews (and could result in missing artwork on the final product). The incident itself is contained, though the discussion continues on how to fix any affected orders.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



Fix has been deployed and the placeholders are working as expected now.



A fix is currently in the process of merging and deployment. Teams are still narrowing the possible conditions that would cause the issue so that the actual impact level can be determined.



Artwork has identified the impact as all products with the ‘Change Templates’ function in Studio. The issue seems to happen when customers upload artwork and then change the template which results in unexpected previews. They’ve identified the potential cause as a problem with the way the placeholder attributes are handled during the change.


New Incident: CTIM-970
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: Artwork Tech: Support for review.
Customer images are missing in previews and sample copy is showing. Artwork teams are already investigating.