Product Configuration

BoxUp encountering an error with Display and Square Mailers in Cockpit


Incident Resolved: CTIM-877
BoxUp confirms the problem is resolved. Incident is now contained.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



The BoxUp dev team has successfully rolled back the changes and everything has returned to normal. The designer is now functioning as expected. Awaiting confirmation from the fulfiller.



The BoxUp dev confirmed that the order has reached POM. BoxUp is requesting that the next test be conducted during off hours and not be conducted during live business hours and to coordinate with Saurav’s team to ensure everything is functioning correctly in Paperless.


New Incident: CTIM-877
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: PCD: Product Operations for review.
For display and square mailers BoxUp encountering an error during the artwork stage in Cockpit. The issue was first reported last night and occurred in both Cockpit and the front end but it wasn’t officially reported at that time. This morning the front end seems to be functioning properly but the error persists in Cockpit. BoxUp has already cleared the cache and cookies but the issue remains. Currently Box Up Dev has asked for help in investigating Box Up orders stuck in ‘sent to MCP’ status.