
Batch stuck at SCHEDULED status


Incident Resolved: PAP-2111
The job QRGWPQKRVM is blocked in the batch. The instance of the batch stuck in “scheduled” status was due to a failure in one of the internal services called for authentication. Rhydon does have an optimization that reduces the occurrence of this issue. Rhydon has fixed the problem, and this has been confirmed by Box-up; therefore, we are moving the case status to “contained.”
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



The Rhydon squad identified the issue as one of the jobs in the batch, QRGWPQKRVM, was stuck in “print ready” status, which prevented the batch from moving forward. Rhydon is checking further into it.



Rhydon squad has joined the slack and is currently investigating the issue.


New Incident: PAP-2111
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: Fulfillment: Rhydon Squad for review.
Batch dfc04ca0-40a2-4946-86d4-95fb05a01d50 has been at SCHEDULED for 14 hrs. on machine 21