National Pen

Machine MX-LSR-201 terminating jobs


Incident Resolved: PAP-2108
This issue was found to be due to a folder config problem on the device and resolved by the fulfiller on 10/01/2024.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



This issue is still pending review by NP teams.



MIS D’Ninja’s has found that the terminated job is related to a ‘template does not exist’ error. Teammates from National Pen’s Piranha and IT have been added to investigate during business hours from National Pen side.


New Incident: PAP-2108
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: Fulfillment: D’Ninjas for review.
Machine MX-LSR-201 is terminating all jobs sent to it during this shift, but seemed to be performing normally last shift. Local engineering indicates that the templates are available but the jobs will not process as expected.