
Box up batches with jobs stuck in the SCHEDULED status.


Incident Resolved: PAP-2046
Rhydon and Dninja noticed that the asset file used to generate the job sheet had expired due to the expiration settings on the uploads tenant. The asset file has been re-uploaded, which resolved the issue. As confirmed by BoxUp, the case status is being moved to ‘Contained.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



Dninja’s has fixed the issue, and Rhydon is currently remediating the stuck batches. This process will take about 30 minutes. Any new batches created will not get stuck, and production can resume as before.



Rhydon have identified the issue and currently, Dninjas is working on the fix. Next update in 30mins.



The Rhydon squad has come online and is currently investigating the issue. The next update will be in 30 minutes.


New Incident: PAP-2046
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: Fulfillment: Rhydon Squad for review.
BoxUp’s Production Planner and Scheduler application are currently have 13 batches with jobs stuck in the SCHEDULED status. Additionally, 2 machines will be down very shortly due to this delay. Machine 15 is already down, and Machine 07 will be down within 30 minutes.