National Pen

NP Mexico Inkjet worfklow down, stuck in 'commit in progress'


Incident Resolved: PAP-2030
Rhydon squad has removed the problematic batch and re-committed the jobs for inkjet workflow. National Pen Mexico has confirmed that the schedule looks as expected. CTIM to contain the incident.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.



Rhydon squad has found a faulty batch in the schedule and are currently working to remove this and re-commit the schedule so that inkjet workflow at NP Mexico can start up.



Rhydon squad currently online and investigating inability to plan inkjet workflow at National Pen Mexico at highest priority.


New Incident: PAP-2030
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: Fulfillment: Rhydon Squad for review.
National Pen Mexico is unable to plan the inkjet shift starting in less than 20 minutes due to all work being stuck in ‘commit in progress’ status. Please help to resolve.