
Product Showing Out of Stock Even though it isn't


Incident Resolved: CTIM-771
No further issues reported after the fix, incident is contained.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Inventory count should now be returned in the API call, pending confirmation from BoxUp devs.


Incident Updated: Support teams are still looking into the issue. Although the product could be sold with the current data, the BoxUp website uses the ‘inventoryCount’ attribute for various features and would need that part of the response from the inventory call to be functional.

We haven’t been able to confirm this issue affecting orders from Vista to BoxUp, so the focus remains on their website specifically.


Incident Updated: BoxUp devs have identified that the inventory API call isn’t returning the ‘inventoryCount’ in the response. Requesting assistance from Strandbeest squad for further investigation.


Incident Updated: eCommerce support were able to add that item to a cart within cockpit, so the problem is likely to be isolated to the call from the website to get that data. Teams are currently working with BoxUp devs to identify the API call causing the issue and diagnose.


New Incident: CTIM-771
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: eCommerce Support for review.
White Crinkle paper is listed as out of stock online despite the inventory manager indicating that it is available. This discrepancy is causing complaints from customers who need to place orders. Requesting Ecommerce to take a look.