Order Management

Box Up 22 live, test orders failing


Incident Resolved: CTIM-708
Rhydon Squad adjusted the producttypecondition in supplier data and manually reinjected the orders which successfully passed in to the production. BoxUp confirmed that the issue is on resolved and moving the case status to contained. Summary will be shared within 24hrs.
Please contact CTIM or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Currently, Rhydon Squad and Product operations are on a call with BoxUp team for further troubleshooting the issue.


Incident Updated: Currently, Ryhdon Squad came online and investigating the issue. Next update in 30mins.


Incident Updated: Requesting Rhydon’s to help determine if recent changes made to ‘blanks’ for Box Up have somehow caused all Sample orders to become stuck since yesterday.


Incident Updated: Requesting help from E-Commerce Support to help determine why 22 Box Up sample orders show in Cockpit as ‘sent to MCP’ when they actually appear to be awaiting a response. Examples provided by Product Operations in CTIM Slack channel.


Incident Updated: Product Operations investigating Box Up sample order failures at highest priority. Next update in 30 minutes.


New Incident: CTIM-708
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: PCD: Product Operations for review.
Since yesterday, 22 of Box Up’s live, sample, test orders are failing. Box Up team has tried to resolve on their own, but were unable. CTIM requesting help from Product Operations to resolve this. More information on Box Up investigation in channel.