Inventory and Delivery Planning

Fulfillment configuration, product link have elevated response times


Incident Resolved: CTIM-669
Teams have confirmed that all affected services including Fulfillment Configuration, COAM, Product Linker and Item Delivery Possibilities are now all stable without any action taken by any team. At this time all evidence points to the issue having been with AWS and totally outside of CimTech control. Access Domain to follow up with AWS next week, CTIM to contain the incident.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.

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Incident Updated: Teams are seeing improvements to Fulfillment Configurations and IDP service, but are monitoring to make sure this stays consistent. At this time, CTIM is not aware of any changes made by any of the teams involved.

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Incident Updated: CTIM paging Product Services to assist in investigation as we see heavy impact on their Product Configuration Service which is impacting other services with IDP (Item Delivery Possibilities) being at the end of that line. IDP is now at such an impact that we are not always returning delivery options at checkout.

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Incident Updated: Access Domain has come online and found COAM with normal response times. Teams are continuing to investigate.

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Incident Updated: Access Domain currently online and investigating possible COAM issues affecting multiple service response times

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Incident Updated: Garuda has found slow response times from COAM (100-120ms on average) which is causing increased response times to Fulfillment Configurations Service and eventually, IDP. CTIM engaging Access Domain to investigate COAM response times.

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Incident Updated: Garuda Squad online and actively investigating


New Incident: CTIM-669
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: PCD: Garuda Squad for review.
Since approximately 22:30 ET, Dispatch’s Item Delivery Possibilities service is returning 5x the normal response times. This will affect delivery planning at checkout for all Business Units. It appears as if the degraded performance is related to elevated response times from downstream services: Product Link and Fulfillment Configurations. CTIM paging Garuda to help with investigation into Fulfillment Configurations and it’s role.