Product Configuration

Custom quote orders are stuck in suspended state. Currently this API is giving 413


Incident Resolved: CTIM-666
We are containing it based on feedback from customer that things are working as expected.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Teams have resolved the issue affecting Custom Quote orders, CTIM to confirm business units no longer affected


New Incident: CTIM-666
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: CT Incident Management for review.
Custom quote orders are stuck in suspended state. Total 31 orders for now affected. All businesses(Tradeprint, Printdeal, Pixart, Easyflyer, WMD and VCS) using Custom Quote may proabably face this issue. Currently this API is giving 413. Since Mid day yesterday around 12 orders are now suspended and are getting 413 from an api it relieson for routing.