Product Configuration

Artwork color issue on BoxUp orders


Incident Resolved: CTIM-644
No further issues reported from production. Incident is now contained.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Testing a reorder of one of the sample items has been successful. Will keep this issue open for 15min to be sure there’s no further reported issues.


Incident Updated: A change has been made to apply the correct prepress flows for the SKU due to an altered product attribute. Currently awaiting results of re-rendering to verify the fix.


Incident Updated: Prepress has identified a possible issue in the configuration for this SKU. Adding PCD for assistance.


New Incident: CTIM-644
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: Artwork: Support for review.
BoxUp has reported customer orders for new product (TLS tape) are coming through with misprinted colors despite the artwork showing properly in previews. Will share examples in thread. Request assistance from Artwork Support to help diagnose the issue, as it’s currently affecting new orders and likely incoming customized tape orders.