Incident Resolved: CTIM-588
Access Domain has fully updated the new client and Pixart now sees all previously missing permissions. CTIM containing incident.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.
Incident Updated: Pixart worked with Access Domain and E-Commerce Support to manually re-add client which was accidentally removed by Pixart earlier in the day and resulted in the 401 (authentication) errors from E-Com services. Currently, Pixart is doing some testing and have found not all permissions for this client appear restored. They are working with Access Domain on this. Next update when client and authorization is confirmed restored.
Incident Updated: Investigation found that the failed logs on E-Commerce side were warranted as the Pixart Client was invalid and therefore rejected when calling E-Com services. Pixart and Access Domain team are now working together to get client valid again. CTIM can now confirm this would have only ever affected Pixart as it is specific to their auth0 client id. Next update in 30 minutes.
Incident Updated: Teams continue to investigate increased error rate affecting Shipping and Pricing Service with the highest priority. The appropriate teams are currently investigating together. So far, only Pixart is reporting impact. Next update in 30 minutes.
New Incident: CTIM-588
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: eCommerce Support for review.
Creating a channel to contain all communication around an ongoing investigation wherein E-Commerce has found 401 calls affecting Pricing and Shipping services. This is currently only reported as affecting Pixart but expectation is that more business units could be affected. Next update in 30 minutes in CTIM channel.