Product Configuration

RANCH issue


This is was resolved last week. It was, in fact, not an incident with MCP software but rather a client system calling for missing data.

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Incident Updated: The studio team was not able to replicate the issue. Which indicates there must be no issue with ranch service. While team was able to find studio was calling the wrong version of the SKU due to which it gave an error.

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Incident Updated: As per Ranch there is encoding issue with the URL,
URLs have “%2B” which is + but when they call the RANCH API directly and use the space character encoded as”%20” the calls work. Next investigation needs to be done by the studio team PBM team is engaging them.

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Incident Updated: Jennie from the ranch team re-ran the service with product version 1 for the affected SKU. But still, no improvements are reflected. The team is still investigating for other possibilities.

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Incident Updated: 400 errors for specific SKUs with high values for NA business cards.

En voie de résolution

New Incident: PS-94652
Priority: High
Escalation sent to: PCD: Product Operations for review.
increase in entry errors in studio and I see an increase in errors from RANCH: Failed to retrieve complete set of options from RANCH: No completion data found. Are you aware of any issues? I’ll also try to find more information and examples of failing calls in the meantime.