
Gifta website not getting shipping price for all the products


Incident Resolved: PS-92805
Team has checked if there are any other pricing configurations at risk of expiring in December but none were found. Still a query will be run to make sure no more configurations expire soon.
Also, team is adding alerts on this subject catch more instances of this incident.

Pixart and Gifta teams agree on fetching shipping-prices as expected on website. Their teams will continue testing individual products and report in CTIM slack channel if further examples are found.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Dev team have added configuration to fix for few of impacted products for Gifta and shipping-prices are now generating on the website.
Team will work on the list of products shared from Gifta products team.


Incident Updated: Team has discovered that a pricing configuration in 2021 has expired, leaving none on the website. Teams are working together to find a containment or resolution as quick as possible.


New Incident: PS-92805
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: PCD: Amarok Squad for review.
Gifta website not getting shipping price for all the products resulting no new orders being placed from website.