Inventory and Delivery Planning

Wrong delivery date showing on Products on .eu sites


Incident Resolved: PS-91323
After further discussion between Vista teams, two actions were taken. MX team has removed the promobar promising economy shipping before Christmas for the last 3 hours of the promotion. Also, Marketing has changed the time period for economy shipping from 10 to 9 days to allow customers who have already seen the promotion to receive their items before Christmas. CTIM to consider this issue Contained.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Vista website teams are currently busy removing the incorrect promobar from all EU locales incorrectly telling customers that economy shipping will guarantee them their orders before Christmas. Vista team will share once promo is removed from all locales and then CTIM will Contain the incident.


Incident Updated: With the help of Dispatch team, the investigation has found that the banner on the website is incorrect in that it is not taking into consideration how the holidays and weekends are calculated from a production standpoint. Vista PBM has just paged the Site Entrypoint team to remove the banner as soon as possible. CTIM will consider this issue ‘Contained’ once banner is removed.


Incident Updated: CTIM to page Dispatch to help in looking into the IDP call pertaining to ongoing investigation into delivery dates showing incorrectly on all EU locale sites.


Incident Updated: Logistics Support is currently online tracing all configurations made on their side.


Incident Updated: Product Operations online and are not seeing any problematic configurations on their side. CTIM also adding page to Logistics Support to request they look into configuration tracing on their side.


New Incident: PS-91323
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: CT Incident Management for review.
CTIM paging Product Operations to request help in tracing last known configurations for products in EU locale that are currently showing 17 days for economic shipping where 7 is expected.