Data Platform

Looker unavailable


We haven’t received any performance complaints for the past 2 days since the fix was implemented, so marking this as resolved for now, although I’ve requested that Looker closely monitor the environment on Monday and Tuesday, since those are typically our biggest traffic days.


The latest update from Looker is that their Ops team made some environment changes around Midnight UTC last night, and they are hoping that will improve performance of our instance, although they are still actively monitoring it.

If users continue to see performance issues, please send a note to #ct-looker.


Update on the performance issues with Looker. This is the latest from Looker, “Still working on the root cause with the engineering team but exploring a number of options to test performance improvements” . So, we are aware of the issue, and have escalated it within Looker, we are just waiting for a resolution or further update from them.

Zaktualizowana wersja

The instance appears to be back up, but we are still waiting for confirmation from Looker and any details about the root cause


Looker looks like it is down again with similar errors to several hours ago. We have notified Looker and will send a future update ASAP