Supplier Integrations

Orders stuck for tradeprint


Incident Resolved: PS-83654
Tradeprint’s team has handled the query to fetch the New Order notifications & Cancellation Requests at top and ignoring Change Request notifications since Change Requests are not accepted by Cimpress-Dundee fulfiller.
Please contact Platform Support or see ticket for more details.


Incident Updated: Issue has been identified and it will be handled by Tradeprint team.
We will share the update once the incident has been resolved.


Incident Updated: No new update on this Incident, we are still investigating : No New orders notification is received since 1st November, more than 600 orders seems to be affected.


Incident Updated: No New orders notification is received since 1st November, more than 600 orders seems to be affected.


New Incident: PS-83654
Priority: Critical
Escalation sent to: CT Incident Management for review.
Orders stuck in processing state for Tradeprint. As per user 600 orders are not getting processed