Artwork Processing

Lots of random aborts happening in


The technical teams have completed their root cause and corrective action analysis. The post-mortem can be view here


It has been an hour since this incident was contained, and we have not seen a recurrence. We are marking this incident as resolved. Within five business days, we will post a link the the post mortem of this incident here.

Supervisando solución

The team has verified that the deployment was successful, and the system is currently operating without any issues. We believe we have contained this incident and will continue to monitor it. Unless there is a recurrence, we will mark this incident resolved in one hour.

Supervisando solución

The deployment process has finished, and the team is now in the process of verifying the changes.

Problema identificado

The deployment of the application to an expanded infrastructure is currently underway. We’ll provide an update on this page as soon as everything returns to its usual state.

Problema identificado

The team is in the process of deploying the application to a larger infrastructure, and we anticipate it will be finished within the hour. We appreciate your patience and ongoing support.

Problema identificado

The Maestro team is enhancing the infrastructure to manage the backlog more effectively.


The Maestro team found that Lots of random aborts happening in The technical team is investigating. We will update this status page again as soon as we have more information or in 30 minutes, whichever is sooner.