Artwork Processing

229 orders are rejected due to an error Unable to download document reference

The technical teams have completed their root cause and corrective action analysis. The post-mortem can be viewed here

These orders are requested for resubmission. This Error 502s Bad Gateway is temporary and should be retried.


We have initiated a request for the resubmission of the affected orders. We are marking this incident as resolved. Within five business days, we will post a link the the post mortem of this incident here.


The Artwork Technology team has identified that 229 orders were declined due to an error - specifically, the ‘Unable to download document reference’ error (URL) The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway. We observed a minor spike in errors, but it was resolved within a short period. Currently, there are no ongoing impacts on orders. We are collaborating with the Platform Support team to initiate the reordering process to unblock customer orders. The team is actively investigating the root cause and will provide an update shortly.